Dunkin the Bunny

Dunkin the Bunny
Exploring his new surroundings

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Test Anxiety

Hey Hey Hey!

My post today is a little bit early, but it has been such an eventful day so far!
  Last night- I am finally starting to warm up to my "tree house" as Mom calls it. I played on it last night after I studied for my test. It was a lot of fun! When Mom came in for bedtime, I gave her some attitude...so I don't get dessert tonight. :(

 Look! It is me on playing on my "Tree House"

  Today- It is the big day, the first math assessment! I studied real hard, but I still had test anxiety, bunnies are not good test takers. I mean I knew the information, I just froze up. Not to fear! I was prepared with different strategies to use to overcome my anxiety. The first one, was just to breathe, let out negative thoughts and exhale a long breath. The other thing I did today, was when I got frustrated, I closed my test, closed my eyes and took a minute mental break. Mom said that is what she had to do when she took her "teacher test" to become a teacher. Man, I really like that one, it helped a lot. When I closed my eyes and took a break, it cleared out any left over worries and I was able to refocus. I made sure not to take too long of a break because then I would have been wasting my time. 

  I took my time and I feel confident about my test. Mom always says to check back through my answers. I'm so glad I did that, because on question #3, I rushed through it and had the wrong answer! That would have made me sad. 

  When we were done, Mom let me out during our Silent Reading time. I was off task though and didn't read my book. I even went so far as to jump on my friend Ashley's book in the middle of her sentence. Needless to say, being a reckless bunny got me a quick ticket back to the bunny pen.

  Well time to go finish our day, lunch is almost over so back to class! 

  By the way, does anybody else have any test taking strategies I can share with my friends?

I'll be back later! :)


  1. When I get to a hard question I don't know the answer to, I put a star by it then move on. That way I don't get too stressed, and the star reminds me to go back when I'm done.

  2. Thanks Mrs. Ellis! Our class thinks that is a great strategy that we can use next time!

    1. did you get the post i put just for dunkin

  3. ok dunkin time to get ready to lisen when you are talking and you miss intruions just say please can you repeat that agin
