Dunkin the Bunny

Dunkin the Bunny
Exploring his new surroundings

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I've missed my friends!

WHOAAA! Man, I have been a busy bunny!!! I celebrated Unity Day with school to prevent bullying, and we sure had a great turn out!

Our first 9 weeks of school is officially over, and my friends and I ended up doing pretty well with our grades. We covered SO MUCH information in such a short amount of time.  I can't wait to see what we learn in the next 9 weeks.

We have started another PBL project. This project is over inferencing, summary and context clues. Mom is even letting us decide how we are going to present our project. I think I want to use Aurasma so that I can do Augmented Reality for my project! Some of my friends are super creative and have decided to record a song and interpretive dance about their summary. Plus, we finally got our books that we have to read and they are from my FAVORITE genre, biography. Oh my gosh! I love biographies! One day I hope to have a biography written about me.

So along with being busy, I've also been crazy! Here are some pictures of me from the past two weeks.
 Just chillin! If I finish my homework early, my parents let me watch some t.v. before bed. 

 Mom is so fun to climb on!

 Saturday was my sister, Mallo's, 3rd birthday! Happy birthday Mallo!

 I like to give Mom kisses!

Well, time to get back to class. We are talking about elaborate detail and how to use it wisely in our writing. I LOVE WRITING!

Have a Hoppy Day!

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